假如,您有外出,请一定要随时查看新州卫生部公布的:最新的COVID-19确诊病例(接触过的公共场所的)地点和警告(Latest COVID-19 case locations and alerts in NSW)(下面简称“疫情地点”)。
在核对疫情地点时,请将您外出的时间和地点与疫情地点里的地址和时间进行核对。 如果疫情地点中提到的病例与您在相同或重叠的时间段里到访过同一个场所,您被定义为“COVID-19偶然接触者”。
A casual contact is someone who has been near a person with infectious COVID-19 but who is at lower risk of getting COVID-19 than a close contact.
Anyone who attended this venue is a casual contact and must get tested and self-isolate until they receive a negative result. If your date of exposure at this venue occurred in last 4 days, you must get another test on day 5 from the date of exposure. Wear a mask around others and limit your movements until you get another negative result. You should continue to monitor for symptoms and if any symptoms occur, get tested again.
【中文翻译】任何到过疫情场所的人都被认定为偶然接触者,必须进行COVID-19病毒检测,并进行自我隔离一直到收到检查结果为阴性。如果您访问本地点的日期是最近的4天,您需要第5天再次进行检测。 周围有人时,请戴上口罩,并限制自己的日常活动,直到再次检查的结果为阴性。 除此之外,您还需要继续自我监测,如果有任何不舒服的症状,请再次进行测试。
Locations associated with confirmed COVID-19 cases are classified by NSW Health for action. This information will be updated if further locations are identified.
【中文翻译】新州卫生部对与确诊COVID-19病例相关的地点进行了分类,以便采取行动。 如果有新确诊的地点,这些地点也会随时更新。
When a confirmed COVID-19 case attends a venue while possibly infectious, NSW Health carries out a risk assessment on that venue to determine whether there is a public health risk.
【中文翻译】 当某确诊的COVID-19病人到访某公共场所,并有可能存在传染给公众时,新南威尔士州卫生部就会对该场所进行风险评估,以确定该场所是否存在公共卫生风险。
NSW Health alerts the public as quickly as possible when there is a venue deemed a public health risk. We do not alert the public of venues if we have obtained a list of people, potentially exposed to the virus, through the venue or other records.
【中文翻译】 新州卫生部在发现有公共卫生风险的场所时,会第一时间通知并提醒公众。但是,如果政府在该场所或其它方式获取可能接触此病毒的人员名单时,就不会向公众公布此场所。
Potentially exposed people identified through these records receive an SMS message from NSW Health advising them to immediately get tested and self-isolate until they receive further advice from contact tracers.
【中文翻译】 新州卫生部会通过各种记录,通过发手机短信给潜在的接触者,建议他们立即进行检测和自我隔离,直到他们收到接触者追踪机构的进一步建议。
The risk assessment of a venue may change due to a number of factors, including:
– the changing nature of information following contact tracing interviews;
– ongoing investigations indicating evidence of further transmission at a venue.
– 偶然接触者后续发展情况的变化;
– 持续进行的调查有证据显示该场所的疫情是否有更多的传播。
Case locations in metropolitan Sydney
For privacy reasons, we will not be publishing addresses of venues that are homes, offices (unless it is a public office), schools and childcare centres.
This revised process on the NSW Government and NSW Health websites reflects the fact there is a very low risk of infection in casual contact venues. We will continue to alert the public on close contact venues.
【中文翻译】新州政府和新州卫生网站在不断修订的过程中反映了这样一个事实,即在偶然接触场所感染的风险非常低。 我们会继续提醒市民注意密切接触的地点。
It is critical people continue to check in to all venues using QR codes if leaving their homes.
If you are unable to check in using a mobile phone, you can check in using the COVID-19 check-in card – apply for one through the Service NSW website.
【中文翻译】如果您无法使用手机在所到场所签到,您可以使用COVID-19签到卡 – 您可以通过新州服务网站申请一张签到卡。
It is important for the ongoing control of COVID-19 in NSW to follow NSW Health advice.
If you are directed to get tested for COVID-19 or self-isolate by NSW Health at any time, you must follow this advice whether or not the venue or exposure setting is listed on this website. If you have received a SMS from NSW Health please follow the advice and NSW Health will contact you.
If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, get tested immediately and self-isolate until you receive a negative test result. Learn more about symptoms and who should get tested
如果新州卫生部指示您随时接受COVID-19检测或自我隔离,无论何时何地,无论是否已经列在此疫情地点清单里,您都必须遵循建议。 如果您收到了来自新州卫生部的手机短信,请按照建议操作,同时,新州卫生部也将与您取得联系。