
假如,您从事建筑行业,准备回到建筑工地,请一定要随时点击下面按钮查看新州政府公布的:疫情期间建筑施工规定和限制(Construction rules and restrictions)。


Workers who live in the local government areas of Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta, Strathfield or some suburbs of Penrith local government areas, and comply with the COVID-19 vaccination requirements can also work at a construction site in Greater Sydney including at a construction site in a local government area of concern. 

【中文翻译】居住在 Bayside, Blacktown, Burwood, Campbelltown, Canterbury-Bankstown, Cumberland, Fairfield, Georges River, Liverpool, Parramatta, Strathfield, 和 Penrith 的一些郊区的工人, 只有遵守COVID-19疫苗接种要求,才可以在大悉尼范围内的建筑工地工作,包括在工作在疫情关注区内的建筑工地。

Any person who enters a local government area of concern to work at a construction site is required from 28 August to register for travel.
From 28 August, these workers will be required to register for travel to work outside a local government area of concern.


Workers at your site must comply with Face mask rules.


For guidance about work at homes where people are living, go to renovations, repairs, maintenance and cleaning of homes.


If you are doing prescribed work at a home in an area that is subject to stay at home orders, you must ensure that
– no more than 2 people are working in an indoor area of the home at the same time;
– a resident must stay in a separate indoor area to where the work is being carried out;
– no more than 5 people are working in an outdoor area at the same time.

– 不超过2人同时在室内工作;  
– 住户必须待在与施工独立的空间里;  
– 不超过5人同时在室外工作。  

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